Monday, February 18, 2013

Entry 1 - My Favorite Song About Communication

My favorite song about communication is The Beatles' 
"We Can Work It Out." 

It is not simply my favorite because it was a childhood tradition to listen to The Beatles "1" CD on the Long and Winding Road to my grandparents' home in Eugene, Oregon - if that were the case "Hello Goodbye" would also qualify. I like it because it is about working hard to try to reach an agreement. Instead of just giving up, the couple tries to figure out how to communicate their ideas and find the best solution. Even as a child I appreciated the singer's willingness to keep the relationship alive. This is my favorite part:

We can work it out,
We can work it out.
Life is very short, and there's no time
For fussing and fighting, my friend.
I have always thought that it's a crime,
So I will ask you once again.

I like how the lyrics acknowledge life's brevity and the value of time's uses. I feel like it reflects me a lot - not that I do not prolong fights, because, sadly, with my defensive conflict style I do - but because I like to pick myself up from a disagreement and move on to priorities or fun. I was not aware of this side of me until I met my fiance and discovered that he is someone who needs a little extra time to get over things. Too often I have stepped on his need to press pause because I saw my need to press play as the only right need to have. This song reminds me that everyone has a different conflict resolution style so I should be patient and keep on working things out.